Khabib Nurmagomedov was recently asked about the LGBTQ situation in Russia during a candid interview with moderately conservative political commentator Patrick Bet-David. 'The Eagle' was informed of the ever-increasing numbers of gender identities in the US and asked how many there are in Russia.
Khabib Nurmagomedov minced no words while saying that he knows of only two, men and women. The former UFC lightweight champ further cited his traditional upbringing in the mountains of Dagestan which he is very proud of.
The Dagestani icon also detailed a hilarious incident that recently happened with him at a coffee shop in California. Khabib Nurmagomedov was left confused outside the washrooms of the cafe, both of which said 'all genders'. 'The Eagle' told Patrick Bet-David:
"I see only women and men. There is no between. You know this is like crazy, it's like first time in my life, couple of weeks ago. I was in California, I was in coffee shop, like I really wanna go bathroom...two bathroom, 'all gender', 'all gender'. I was like, 'What is this? Where I have to go?'...I grew up in very traditional, in very traditional family. I'm very happy with this. I'm from big mountains and we have only two genders."Catch Nurmagomedov's comments below:
When a Dagestani politician called for Khabib Nurmagomedov to be made a minister so he could limit 'gayness'
The LGBTQ community in Russia continues to be subdued more than its counterparts in any other developed country. A general sense of homophobia that seemingly prevails throughout the country resonates well with the government's relentless crackdowns on the community.
President Vladimir V. Putin recently criminalized all surgery and hormone treatments used for gender transitions after prohibiting the portrayal of LGBTQ relationships in all media last December. While Khabib Nurmagomedov grew up in the Republic of Dagestan, the LGBTQ laws there are the same as the rest of Russia, as per
And the sense of homophobia appears to be similar as well considering politician Vitaly Milonov once called for Nurmagomedov to be made Minister of Culture so that he could limit gayness. While 'The Eagle' hadn't publicly addressed the subject then, rapper Vasily Vakulenko initially came up with the idea due to the former UFC champ's traditional views. Reiterating Vakulenko's call, Milonov said:
“I don’t know what kind of Minister of Culture of Dagestan Khabib can turn out to be, but for example, he can be included in the Ministry of Culture’s commissioned experts so that he does not allow any kind of gayness on the screens. Although there are no problems with culture in Dagestan—at least in the cinema they do not show nasty films with a man in the role of a fairy." h/t sport24.ruQuick Links
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